We are gearing up for Christmas, having just finished a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Maine & Connecticut Bennett's and GG Bennett!
Lilly and Rosie enjoyed two extra nights with Grammy, PawPaw and GG before Thanksgiving Day. Rob and I had the luxury of two nights alone. Yes, we did nothing. I mean it - absolutely nothing. Well, okay, we watched 4 movies (2 per night). No cleaning, no cooking, no talking (unless it was about the movie or how quiet the house was without the girls...). It was bliss.....and actually a tiny bit boring.
All went back to crazy normal though once we caught up with the girls in Maine. A wonderful dinner and Rob and I went shopping on Black Friday. Wow - it really was a crazy week for us! Shopping wasn't too bad though - not nearly as busy as we anticipated.
CHRISTMAS is right around the corner. Our shopping is almost done, the cards are ready to be mailed, and I asked Rob when we were to get our tree today. He said this was the earliest I have ever asked him about it. I reminded him that we are early on all things Christmas this year - shopping, cards, and tree! I even played Christmas music tonight while cooking dinner.
The girls have been on their best behavior lately - perhaps they are looking for that special gift from Santa this year. They have been eagerly working on their lists, and each visit to the store brings the question, "Can I put this (toy/game/whatever) on my Christmas list?" ABSOLUTELY! Of course, it might not mean that you will get it darling, but go ahead and put it on the list. We can pare it down together later on!
Here is wishing you a wonderful holiday season - happy and bright as child eyes and childlike anticipation! To all our family throughout the USA - we miss you and love you and hope to see you again soon! Break out the eggnog!